37a Summit Road, Lilydale 3140
Sunday 29 October, 201710.00am - 4.30pm
Entry price $8 (U18 free). Students $5.
Email: info@opengardensvictoria.org.au
This is a very challenging garden on an extremely steep and rocky aspect. Paths run across the garden which support a diverse range of plants. The owner has a passion for conifers in particular, and has grown a wide variety – from the smallest displayed in pots to mature pencil pines and cedars.
This is a textured garden with diverse leaf forms, including maples, magnolias, viburnums, black bamboo, and other shrubs and perennials. Recycled water from two houses as well as huge quantities of mulch and stable manure and straw combine to make this garden really thrive.
There are fabulous view from the verandah over Lilydale.
Garden notes are written by the garden owners to describe their garden.
Download and print to bring when you visit the garden.