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808 Lees Rd, Venus Bay 3956

Saturday 21 October, 2017 to
Sunday 22 October, 2017

10.00am - 4.30pm

Entry price $8 (U18 free).  Students $5.

Email:   info@opengardensvictoria.org.au

This garden in Venus Bay is called Illabunda which means Place of Swallows.

This large coastal block has a significant, remnant old growth forest of Eucalyptus viminalis ssp. pryoriana (Coast Manna Gum). The long driveway on this beautiful and tranquil property winds through Banksia integrifolia bushland towards Anderson Inlet.

Closer to the house, grassy areas open up around huge, sculptural eucalypts which are underplanted with garden beds which feature a wide range of Australian plants: thomasias, correas, stylidiums, grevilleas, acacias (including two leprosa ‘Scarlet Blaze’), and many smaller banksias (including baueri, speciosa, praemorsa) are some of the plant genera that thrive here.

There are also groves of young casuarina and ‘moonah’ (Melaleuca lanceolata) and a large fenced productive area with raised beds. An extensive nursery area produces many of the 7000 plants that are added to the garden each year. Around the house, with its views towards the inlet, are sculptures, potted plants and grasses. Planting also extends into the inlet walk at the rear of the property, as the owners want to reinstate the indigenous species wherever possible.

This property has a warm and welcoming ‘feel’; it clearly reflects the owners’ love of the whole environment in which it sits. 

Garden notes are written by the garden owners to describe their garden.
Download and print to bring when you visit the garden. 

Garden Notes

Click on images to enlarge
