Open Gardens Victoria MIFGS Student Design Competition Winner

29 January 2024
Open Gardens Victoria MIFGS Student Design Competition Winner

We have a winner for our MIFGS Student Design Competition – Congratulations Sarah McLauchlan!

We’re thrilled to announce that Sarah McLauchlan is the winner of the Open Gardens Victoria MIFGS Student Design competition. Sarah will be provided with up to $10,000 to design and install her Living Pantry garden at our stand at the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show (MIFGS), 20 to 24 March 2024. 

Sarah’s entry stood out because of her strong focus on the theme and her design that integrates clever design with attractive, compact, and efficient productive garden spaces.

You may recall all the excitement around our MIFGS stall last year with our 2023 student grant winner Emma Sheppard-Simms garden design, A Place for Us, winning The Best Visual Display award. We’re just as thrilled this year and can’t wait to see Sarah’s cleverly thought-out plan, titled Nature’s Pantry, come to fruition!

She is a landscape designer and recent graduate of the London College of Garden Design (Melbourne), where she qualified with distinction, achieving the 2023 LCGD Melbourne Student of the Year award. 

This is the second year we have run our student design competition and this year our Head of Giving, Dr Karen White has added an extra edge with a specific theme – The Living Pantry. She writes:

The Living Pantry theme is designed to appeal to all, but especially those beginning the journey towards self-sufficiency. We were looking for entries that encouraged productive gardening and sound sustainability practices, even in small spaces.”

Sarah’s entry stood out with “its strong focus on the theme,” says Karen. She expands: “Her installation integrates clever design with attractive, compact, and efficient productive garden spaces, incorporating significant use of recycled materials and water-wise practices, as well as considering sustenance and habitat for native fauna!”

Sarah is thrilled to be chosen and writes: “I am absolutely thrilled that my design has been selected as the winning entry. This year’s theme, The Living Pantry, appealed immensely. The world of edible gardens holds such a special place in my heart. In fact, I have been crafting an urban edible oasis at my own home for the past seven years.”

Being a part of MIFGS has been a dream for Sarah. She says:

'Designing a garden for the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show has long been a cherished dream of mine. I'm so excited about this opportunity and deeply thankful to OGV for believing in my design skills and allowing me to bring Nature's Pantry to life at the show.'

Sarah is currently working as a landscape designer and you can learn more about her via her website, Instagram and Facebook. Watch this space as Sarah brings her plans to life!

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