Fairy Garden Comp 2021

19 September 2021
Fairy Garden Comp 2021

Thank you to all the children who sent in their wonderful Fairy Garden photos for the Kids' Corner Fairy Garden competition. We received some wonderful entries. We’d also like to extend a big thank you to Fairy Anne for her support and taking the time to judge this competition.  Read on for information about our winning entry in the words of our judge:

It was so difficult to choose a winner for this competition as all the children had gone to great lengths to construct and create such beautiful fairy gardens and houses. Firstly, I would like to commend all of the wonderful entries as they were just amazing.

But I’d like to announce the winner of the Fairy Garden competition is Harriet Evans. I loved the way Harriet had named her fairies, Blossom and Bluebell. Her hand made fairy from pipe cleaners with a flower hat was just divine. Her adaptation of using a vegemite lid for a pond was very creative and the placement of them into the garden was done with great care. Just a lovely entry. Harriet so beautifully described her garden:


“My name is Harriet and I am 9 years old. I am in Year 3 at school. I have made this fairy garden during lockdown for my fairies, Blossom and Bluebell.

I have made it in a big pot and added lots of plants from our garden as well as some rocks, twigs and sticks plus some old fabric and materials from my Great Grandma’s old sewing box. I’ve used some sequin material as a stream and waterfall off the side of the pot, added some old beads to a tree, made from sticks, which are little fairy lights plus shells and beads make a foot path through the middle of my garden.

I have also made a little birds nest from some twigs and dried grass, then used clay to make the bird and eggs. There’s a hammock made from string, lavender and fabric hanging from one of the silver birch branches.

I have two fairies sitting in my garden. One I already had which usually lives in my fairy garden in my bedroom and the other I made with a peg, tulle, pipe cleaners, sequins, and a little flower head piece.

There is also a pond made from a vegemite lid filled with dark sparkly beads to make it look like water.

I hope you like my fairy garden and I hope that Blossom and Bluebell visit again soon to play in their new garden.

Love Harriet”


We hope to see a photo of Harriet’s Fairy Garden with her prize of mushrooms in situ.

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