Indoor Oasis Competition – we have a winner!

6 July 2020
Indoor Oasis Competition – we have a winner!

At a time when we've been cocooning ourselves in our homes it's clear that some of us have been truly doing it in verdant style! Our Indoor Oasis Competition in June was very popular with an incredible range of creative entries and we wish to thank and congratulate all of you for your inspiring photos and fascinating stories.

We are delighted to announce our winning entry thanks to expert judging by OGV committee member, author and Creative Director of The Plant Society, Jason Chongue. Jason was impressed by so many entries - read here for his thoughts on the winner, Brod Street and several worthy runners up who inspired with their indoor havens of greenery.

From Jason Chongue...

With the world in isolation we are finding solace in bringing nature into our homes. Whether we’re growing edibles or ornamentals, our love of plants is prompting us to garden in any space we can get a hold of. With homes becoming smaller or having simply run out of outdoor gardening space, we are all turning to indoor gardening to extend our green oasis’. What better way to spend our time amongst a myriad of indoor plants? Is there even any truth to having too many plants? Surely not!
This month it’s been exciting to see both the general public and entrants to our Indoor Oasis Competition share their own indoor havens. It’s a pleasure to see our gardening community reveal the intimate spaces of their homes. Spaces that have caressed us through what has been a time of emotional turmoil. For many who aren’t fortunate enough to have outdoor gardens – adopting indoor gardening has allowed for creativity with plant styling, building up their gardening skill set and a means of therapeutic gardening.
Whether it’s a Devil’s Ivy growing rampant around a door frame or a Fiddle Leaf Fig that’s hugging the ceiling, there is no limit to the number of places we find ourselves nurturing indoor plants.
I’ve always said that even in the smallest spaces, there is plenty of room for plants to grow and thrive. With this in mind, I’m excited to announce the winner of our Indoor Oasis Competition is Brod Street.

Brod Street's winning entry incorporated the use of clever green walls with beautiful plants draping from an upper level down to the kitchen. The green wall (above) is inspired by French Botanist Patrick Blanc's method of building green walls using drip irrigation from a fish tank below. Plants include Adiantum aethiopicum (Maidenhair Fern), Asplenium nidus (Bird’s Nest Fern), Calathea rufiburba (Velvet Calathea), Cyrtomium falcatum (Holly Fern), Microsorum putulatum (Kangaroo Fern), Nepenthes spp., Philodendron (Narrow Tiger-Tooth), Philodendron scandens (Heartleaf Philodendron), Philodendron 'Xanadu', and Vanilla planifolia (Vanilla Orchid).
The second kitchen garden (above) includes Adiantum aethiopicum (Maidenhair Fern), Asplenium nidus (Bird’s Nest Fern), Coffee arabica (Coffee Plant), Cissus alata (Grape Ivy), Epipremnum pinnatum (Dragon Tail Plant), Erigeron karvinskianus, Ficus pumila (Creeping Fig), Fittonia, Nephrolepis exaltata, Peperomia piccolo banda, Pilea libanensis (Silver Sprinkles), Philodendron selloum (Super Atom), Philodendron squamiferum (Red Bristle), Phlebodium aureum (Blue Star Fern), and Scindpasus pictus (Argyraeus).

Too often we decide it’s too difficult to incorporate plants in our lives however Brod inspires us to think outside the box by incorporating green walls using felt made from recycled milk bottles. As you can see the plants are thriving and the use of Ficus pumila, Philodendron cordatum and Alocasia, bring together a range of leaf textures to create a nice layering effect.

With so many great entrants we can also be inspired by a few close contenders. For those wanting simplicity in their homes we can draw inspiration from landscape architect, Helen Wellman’s established Rhipsalis, creating an indoor hanging garden escape. Sometimes great specimens can create impact without needing a jungle of plants.

Helen Wellman's elegant display features two magnificent species of draping Rhipsalis (Mistletoe Cactus) and a Monstera deliciosa.

As seen in Los Peakes by Adrian Peake it’s great to see how plants can imbue our personalities to create spaces that have immense atmosphere and an incredible persona.

Adrian Peake's library room oasis is a beautiful reflection of his personality and features Rhipsalis, Peperomias, Ceropegia woodii (Chain of Hearts), Pothos, together with various cacti and succulents Adrian has even converted an old tv into a grow house, so you can literally 'watch' things grow - ingenious!

Rachel Eaves has created perfect intimate moments by clustering masses of greenery. By continuing the white planter theme, she has made the greenery stand out without feeling cluttered.

Rachel's selection of white pots allows her luscious green display to shine.

In Robert McMillan’s subterranean wet room, there is a nice connection from his indoor oasis back out into a lush sunken garden.

Robert McMillan's wet room oasis features Hoyas in hanging pots and various palms and ferns.

Sue Mayes’ living and kitchen space is filled with plant life where plants have softened so many corners to create her oasis.

Sue Maye's indoor oasis is so cosy and welcoming with plants including Chamaedorea elegans, Zamioculcas zamiifolia, Ficus lyrata, String of Pearls, Syngonium podophyllum, and Phlebodium aureum.

With space being a premium in our urban living spaces Tania Watson, much like I, has filled every bit of space in her home with indoor greenery. If you can’t garden outside why not fill our homes with greenery?

Tania Watson has filled every available surface with plants and some gorgeous pots and arty pieces - such a cheery collection!

Happy planting!
Jason Chongue

*follow Jason's beautifully curated indoor plants on Instagram @jasonchongue or @theplantsocietyau

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