
478 Ryrie St, East Geelong

Saturday 5 March, 2016 to
Sunday 6 March, 2016

10.00am - 4.30pm

Entry price $8 (children U18 free)


This romantic garden is a hidden teasure just two kilometers from the  Geelong city centre. It is surrounded by thirteen properties yet invisible from the main road. A beautiful Golden Elm and other mature trees give dappled shade to a series of beautifully designed rooms filled with perennials, hardy Mediterranean species, grasses, vegetable beds and a young orchard. The imaginative plantings are wonderful, with vegetables and picking plants complementing eachother in unexpected combinations. Bee-keeping, worm farming and composting are features.  0.25 ha (0.6ac)

Photo boards and simple descriptors will be on display at various parts of the garden to share the owner’s ideas and dreams for the future, with tours of the garden at 11 am and 2pm on both days.

On Saturday 5 the Geelong Bee Club will provide an insight into domestic bee keeping.

On Sunday 6 at 12.00 noon Flemings Nurseries will give a talk in the picking garden where the ‘Dancing Apple Walk’ is a highlight. The talk will focus on small fruit trees and small garden trees.

Many of the fruit trees growing at Arundel have been sourced from Flemings and many of the other species growing at Arundel have been sourced from the Friends of Geelong Botanic Gardens. There will be a plant stall run by the Growing Friends throughout the weekend and visitors can enjoy coffee and tea with sweet treats under the arbour or on the picnic lawns. 

Garden notes are written by the garden owners to describe their garden.  Download and print to bring when you visit the garden.


Garden Notes

Click on images to enlarge
