Yvonne's Garden
43 Bertram Street, Elsternwick
Saturday 23 March, 2019 to
Sunday 24 March, 2019
10.00am - 4.30pm
Entry $8 Students $5 Under 18 free
This is an ‘average size’ city garden which has a wonderful feeling of space. The garden was designed and implemented in 2015 with the idea that if the owner had restricted mobility then the use of boardwalks would allow good access to all parts of the garden. The garden was designed by Fiona Brockhoff with some modifications made by the owner during construction.
The front area has clipped Westringia either side of a meandering pathway leading to the back area with the boardwalk and areas of ‘Dromana Toppings’. Here one finds several separate areas with seasonal plantings providing different colours and textures throughout the year. There are plantings of Angiozanthos ‘Orange Cross’, Nandina domestica (Sacred Bamboo), Trachelospermum jasminoides (Star Jasmine), Callistemon ‘Kings Park Special’ and other native and non-native plantings.
There is a circular area with Miscanthus sinensis ‘Gracillimus’ (Maiden Grass) at the entrance. The area is bounded by kangaroo paws, Jacarandas, Lomandra Longifolia ‘Tanika’ and a Crabapple Malus ‘Royal Raindrops’.
On the back wall is a magnificent passionfruit vine which provides visual protection and masses of fruit – over 1500 passionfruit were harvested in the second season.
Come and also enjoy a sausage sizzle!
This opening is in support of Parkinson's Victoria.
Garden Notes
Information and advice on garden visiting