Saturday 28 October, 2023 to
Sunday 29 October, 2023
Strictly only opening on Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 October. Please respect the garden owners' privacy and visit only during opening hours.
10.00am - 4.30pm
Entry: $10 Adults/$6 Students (with ID card) /Under 18 free
- Tickets can be booked and pre-paid online via TryBooking. You can also pay on the day.
- Sustainable practices are important to OGV, therefore where possible please either print your own garden notes or save them for viewing on your mobile device.
Booking via Trybooking
Garden Notes
If you’re a tertiary student, why not purchase our OGV Student Pass, providing you with entry to all our garden openings for the year for just $25. Find out more and purchase your pass via TryBooking.
Become a Friend of OGV and receive two x 2 for the price of 1 garden passes, plus a one off 10% discount to some of Victoria's best garden centres via Trybooking.
Please stay at home if you're unwell
Book and Pay Online Now
Wanawong is a spectacular hillside garden setting that is flanked by fields and bushland dropping steeply away to the east.
Its a well-designed garden that sits beautifully in the surrounding bush landscape. Janet laid out the garden in 1975 and still passionately gardens here. It’s a diverse garden of flowering shrubs and trees amid stately tree ferns and eucalypts. The cool climate allows Janet to grow azaleas and rhododendrons that are a riot of colour in October. Peonies and other perennial plants also thrive, with Janet germinating a lot of her border plants from seed.
There are well designed productive elements to the garden that are all caged to protect them from the abundant wildlife. Bower Birds frequently visit this garden.
Wanawong is located on the lands of the Eastern Maar people. Open Gardens Victoria wish to acknowledge the Traditional custodians of this land and we pay respect to their Elders, past, present and emerging.
Extra Activities in the Area:
Garden Notes
Information and advice on garden visiting
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