Tranquillity 2023
Saturday 15 April, 2023 to
Sunday 16 April, 2023
10.00am - 4.30pm
Entry: $10 Adults/$6 Students /Under 18 free
- Tickets can be booked and pre-paid online via TryBooking. You can also pay on the day.
- Sustainable practices are important to OGV, therefore where possible please either print your own garden notes or save them for viewing on your mobile device.
Booking via TryBooking
Garden Notes
Please stay at home if you're unwell
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The garden around the house was developed around 10 years ago and has been modified by the present owners.
The house garden comprises a front garden of Indigenous and South African plants which attract honeyeaters. A grassed sitting area to the side and the back has beds of perennials, a large fountain and bird baths. A viewing area overlooks the remainder of the garden which is still being developed.
There is a substantial kitchen garden and fruit trees to the other side of the house.
The present owners had stone walls and stairs built to set off the plantings. A grass path leads from the house garden to the remainder of the garden.
Perennials and grasses are planted in deep borders on either side of the path which has been carefully designed to take advantage of the view of the lower garden. To one side is a grove of Holm Oaks which have been inoculated with truffles – a truffière. The lower garden is still being developed. The area borders three adjoining gardens.
The owners are planting trees in groves so that eventually the fence line will disappear and the lower area will become a lovely forest with spaces where people can sit and contemplate the surroundings.
Tranquillity is located on the lands of the Dja Dja Wurrung people. Open Gardens Victoria wish to acknowledge the Traditional custodians and we pay respect to their Elders, past, present and emerging.
Extra Activities in the Area:
- Plants and/or produce will be for sale at the nearby neighbour centre
- Picnic areas
- Public toilets
- Quarry Park
- Trentham Falls
- Red Beard Bakery
- Saturday morning Market
Garden Notes
Information and advice on garden visiting
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