SEEDs Communal Garden, Milparinka
Saturday 6 April, 2024
Strictly only opening over one day, Saturday 6th April. Please respect the garden owners' privacy and visit only during opening hours.
10.00am - 4.30pm
Entry: $8 Adults/$5 Students (with ID card) /Under 18 free
- Tickets can be booked and pre-paid online via TryBooking. You can also pay on the day.
- Sustainable practices are important to OGV, therefore where possible please either print your own garden notes or save them for viewing on your mobile device.
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Garden Notes
If you’re a tertiary student, why not purchase our OGV Student Pass, providing you with entry to all our garden openings for the year for just $25. Find out more and purchase your pass via TryBooking.
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Please stay at home if you're unwell
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This is an exciting productive garden opening that is a collaboration between two inspiring gardens paving the way forward on garden sustainability and community involvement - SEEDs Communal Garden and the Jesuit Social Services Ecological Justice Hub. Representatives from both gardens will also be discussing their community circular economy initiatives, supported by Sustainability Victoria. Demonstrations will include recycling, composting, worm farming and nature weaving.
SEEDs Communal Garden is a thriving community garden in Brunswick, which is part of Milparinka, a community organisation that supports people who have a disability. Established in 2015, SEEDs has developed from a patch of lawn into an abundant, productive community garden. It grows nearly a ton of food each year and continues to evolve through its shared community.
SEEDs has evolved into an invaluable community resource encompassing a compost hub, community food cupboard, twice weekly garden clubs, bush garden, community sit spot, and hosts a variety of learning/creative opportunities and community events. The bush garden and community sit spot was designed by local landscaper Jason Flaherty, who also created some of the structures and seating areas you will see within the garden.
This is a no-dig garden, predominantly based on permaculture principles, layering its soil with compost and fertiliser made onsite. The garden holds multiple microclimates with an abundance of trees and plants, both edible and ornamental, that support a beautiful welcoming space.
Read about SEEDs Holistic Plan and visit the organisation's Instagram and Facebook for further details.
Jesuit Social Services’ Ecological Justice Hub is a permaculture garden dedicated to both social and environmental justice. The Hub uses ecological action to address disadvantage through education and training, demonstration projects, and community engagement. Find out more via Instagram.
There is a full day of demonstrations planned at this opening. Just visit anytime between 10 and 4.30pm on the day and enjoy:
10:30am – SEEDs discusses their Industrial Food Waste Dehydrator and how this supports building community connections. Includes demonstration on machine operation and how to integrate the fertiliser produced into the garden. The fertiliser will be available to purchase on the day, or can be requested as a donation to your non for profit organisation, school or community group.
11am - Compost and Biochar demonstration. Demonstrating materials used and finished products and troubleshooting common problems. How to use biochar, made from carpentry offcuts, to fix compost and put living carbon back into the soil, and hold nutrients, micro biology and water.
12pm – Worm Farming – Learn how create a worm farm by repurposing an old bathtub.
1pm – BYO Picnic Lunch
2pm – Eco Justice Hub discusses their Regenerative Plastics project. Includes demonstration on how to clean and sort plastic bottle lids. These lids are collected by local community groups and delivered to the Hub, where they are shredded, melted and turned into a range of beautiful recycled plastic products, all of which will be for sale on the day.
3pm – Nature Weaving. Create a garden structure and natural art form using fruit tree prunings.
SEEDs Communal Garden is located on the lands of the Wurundjeri People. Open Gardens Victoria wish to acknowledge the Traditional custodians of this land and we pay respect to their Elders, past, present and emerging.
Garden Notes
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