Plant of the Week - Cercis

Sunday 3 May, 2020

Each week, OGV sub-committee member, Gayle Parks presents the 'Plant of the Week'. She also posts to OGV's Instagram - make sure you check back weekly for her latest post!

Cercis canadensis – The Forest Pansy Tree - is a stunningly elegant ornamental tree, growing to a height of 4-5m tall. In my new, small garden I actually have two that I planted a couple of years ago in huge pots. They seem to be loving their new home here and the colour this autumn has been spectacular! 

This small, attractive tree has brilliant eye-catching heart-shaped leaves in shades of reddish-purple with a velvety-satin appearance, deepening to purplish-black then fading to purplish-green in summer. They constantly change colour throughout the year which so endears me to this fabulous tree. 

The branches have a distinctive, smooth, dark brown wood. In spring, blossom like hot pink flowers pop up all along the branches before the leaves appear. In summer the older, more sheltered foliage will harden off to a deep green creating a contrast with the vibrant new growth. Autumn turns the leaves a stunning array of reds, oranges and yellows prior to them dropping to let the winter sun back in.

Cercis canadensis can be used as a specimen tree/shrub, fence line screening, or just to add a splash of colour amongst your garden. It will enjoy full sun or part shade, well drained fertile soil and will benefit from mulching and water in summer.

I love the changes that I see in every season…. a fabulous asset to any garden, large or small….

Check out Instagram for more on Gayle's gorgeous Cercis trees.

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