Cooking Up Compost 2022

Sunday 1 May, 2022

Two sessions: 9.30am-12.00 pm & 1.00-3.30pm

$45 Limited tickets. 15 people per session. Morning and afternoon tea will be included in the ticket cost.

Book via Trybooking

Please note  (due to COVID-19 protocols):

  • Tickets must be booked and pre-paid online via TryBooking. 
  • Visitors over the age of 16 must be double vaccinated unless they have a medical exemption. Click here for more information.

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The popular composting workshop is back, led by Helena Buxton, where avid gardeners can learn how to improve their soil and their plantations. The positive feedback from the past four years of workshops has been overwhelming.

The secret to good gardening is good soil and the secret to good soil is compost. Saving kitchen waste and transforming garden refuse is a part of the gardening cycle, and as important as harvesting and food preparation.

In this workshop Helena Buxton gives hands-on insights into creating perfect garden compost to make the most of your household and garden waste and collecting other composting materials. This covers three different ways for making compost: hot compost heap, cool compost bin and worm farming.

The backdrop to the workshop is Helena’s beautiful and productive garden ‘Arundel’ where good composting and soil improvement has turned a drought-stricken garden into a flourishing oasis.

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