
Inaugural Scarecrow Competition (ends 5 pm on 31 January 2021)

Due to the stress and uncertaintity of this last year, and now our eagerness to get out there ... we have decided to extend the closing date of this great competition to end of January. Hope that works for you too, and looking forward to seeing your scarecrow!!!

Let’s make a scarecrow to protect our plants!

With our veggie gardens now in full swing, we have to protect our vegetables from the birds that find our crops delicious and delectable! So let’s have some fun making scarecrows! 

Scarecrows have been around for centuries. Greek farmers would make them out of wood to protect their grape vines, and the Egyptians used them to protect their wheat fields from birds. Do you remember the wonderful scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz movie? Do you know of any other scarecrows in your neighbourhood?

What could be useful…

Parents to help you
Old clothes
Two poles tied to make the frames to hang clothes off
Some veg or plants to protect ...
Have fun!

We are really excited to be having our inaugural “Kids’ Corner” competition! Who can make the most creative scarecrow? Ask for help from a grown up. We have a wonderful prize of a selection of books donated by Australia’s much loved author, Alison Lester.

We want you to take photos of the making process and send them to us. Tell us what he/she is protecting. What is his/her name? What is he/she wearing? Did you have fun making him/her?

Send us a high resolution photo or photos (minimum image size 500KB) via email to
You may need someone to help with this.
